Coming from the People's Republic of Madison, the Cheddah Yetti is feared not only for his poker-playing ability but also for his incurable need to consume half his body weight in pizza a week. Keep your hands away from his mouth (and his beer), and likely no one will get hurt.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Look what wondered into our backyard

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Open Letter to the Chairman of LULU
November 14, 2007
Mr. Dennis Wilson
2285 Clark Drive
Vancouver, BC
Dear Chairman Wilson:
I would like to propose a business combination which would be beneficial to both our companies. It appears your seaweed line of clothing has hit a snag - namely the lack of said seaweed in the line of clothing. I have a solution that will ensure you will never have to face the embarrassment of a test showing the lack of a labeled ingredient again.
I represent Unicorn Breeders LLC. We are the Category Captains engaged in the development of markets for our Grade A-Unicorn fur. While large-scale tests are currently underway, we believe Unicorn fur has health benefits - many the same as claimed by your seaweed-line of clothing. We also believe that our unique "UniPolymer" fur can reverse hair loss, melt off unwanted pounds and cause world peace to break out. Since you have a ready consumer base that is willing to pay extra for seaweed-infused shirts - a plant not nearly as cuddly and photogenic as any one of our members as our Unicorn herd - we believe marketing will be much easier for you as well. It's hard to imagine there is a group of people that would be willing to believe wearing shirts with seaweed is good for you yet ones with Unicorn fur is not. This is a slam dunk. Let's get this done.
I've saved the best news for last: Since we have an effective monopoly on the Unicorn trade, there is no control for nasty short-sellers to test against. As our herd of Unicorns is our most prized asset, you can rest easy in the knowledge the outside world will never know what the composition of Unicorn fur really is. We can provide you with cotton already mixed with Unicorn fur fibers to make sure there are no security breaches throughout the supply chain.
I know you'd like to think it over - probably over a morning bong hit. Take your time, but not too much time. We're also talking to other institutions. In fact, a major Central Bank is interested in using our fur for their currency due to it's ability to strengthen the currency in the face of both rate cuts and higher inflation. If we are going to supply the demand from both of you customers, we'll need to know soon in order to increase the herd size.
Mr. Dennis Wilson
2285 Clark Drive
Vancouver, BC
Dear Chairman Wilson:
I would like to propose a business combination which would be beneficial to both our companies. It appears your seaweed line of clothing has hit a snag - namely the lack of said seaweed in the line of clothing. I have a solution that will ensure you will never have to face the embarrassment of a test showing the lack of a labeled ingredient again.
I represent Unicorn Breeders LLC. We are the Category Captains engaged in the development of markets for our Grade A-Unicorn fur. While large-scale tests are currently underway, we believe Unicorn fur has health benefits - many the same as claimed by your seaweed-line of clothing. We also believe that our unique "UniPolymer" fur can reverse hair loss, melt off unwanted pounds and cause world peace to break out. Since you have a ready consumer base that is willing to pay extra for seaweed-infused shirts - a plant not nearly as cuddly and photogenic as any one of our members as our Unicorn herd - we believe marketing will be much easier for you as well. It's hard to imagine there is a group of people that would be willing to believe wearing shirts with seaweed is good for you yet ones with Unicorn fur is not. This is a slam dunk. Let's get this done.
I've saved the best news for last: Since we have an effective monopoly on the Unicorn trade, there is no control for nasty short-sellers to test against. As our herd of Unicorns is our most prized asset, you can rest easy in the knowledge the outside world will never know what the composition of Unicorn fur really is. We can provide you with cotton already mixed with Unicorn fur fibers to make sure there are no security breaches throughout the supply chain.
I know you'd like to think it over - probably over a morning bong hit. Take your time, but not too much time. We're also talking to other institutions. In fact, a major Central Bank is interested in using our fur for their currency due to it's ability to strengthen the currency in the face of both rate cuts and higher inflation. If we are going to supply the demand from both of you customers, we'll need to know soon in order to increase the herd size.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
It's that time of year again
Ok, lot of changes in the Cheddah household the past few months. Those I shall save for another day. Today, we're talking POKER!
Assuming my flight gets in on time, and the line for registration isn't two miles long, I will be playing in WSOP event #47 - NL Holdem. If there is a delay, I'll play in WSOP event #49.
I feel pretty good about my game. I'm not going to change much up from last year, except maybe try to be a little less tricky. I'll try to post updates as I can, but if you don't see one during the day tomorrow that means things are going well.
My back's not back to 100% so I'm thinking I'll rely about an ancient French remedy to keep the pain at bay while sitting for 12 hrs - Red Bull and Grey Goose. It's never met an ailment it can't cure. If I make it to the final table, I hope a few of you hop a flight to watch the fun on Sunday. I guess we'll cross that bridge Sat night. If you've staked me, by that point you'll be ahead enough to sell it to the wife.
Wish me (us) luck!
Assuming my flight gets in on time, and the line for registration isn't two miles long, I will be playing in WSOP event #47 - NL Holdem. If there is a delay, I'll play in WSOP event #49.
I feel pretty good about my game. I'm not going to change much up from last year, except maybe try to be a little less tricky. I'll try to post updates as I can, but if you don't see one during the day tomorrow that means things are going well.
My back's not back to 100% so I'm thinking I'll rely about an ancient French remedy to keep the pain at bay while sitting for 12 hrs - Red Bull and Grey Goose. It's never met an ailment it can't cure. If I make it to the final table, I hope a few of you hop a flight to watch the fun on Sunday. I guess we'll cross that bridge Sat night. If you've staked me, by that point you'll be ahead enough to sell it to the wife.
Wish me (us) luck!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Breckenridge We Have A Problem
I'm sorry I haven't posted the rest of the Nigerian EBay scam artist. I've had some issues of my own lately, as this pictures will show in graphic detail. Parents, please remove your children from the room. I'll wait.
Ok, here are pics of me 2 weeks into this little back injury. I'm feelin a ton better in this picture than I did a week earlier.

I know you are mesmerized by my Buns of Steel and nice choice of undergarments, but notice something in this picture: I'm attempting to stand straight. I've gotten my list down to 2 inches from my belly button to my nose. It's been much worse. I didn't sit in a chair all day today. I only laid on my back or stood the whole day.
So, what are the odds I'm skiing by Thur? I'm hoping I might be up for it by Sat. Luckily I'm on Percocet which makes everything all right. And I mean EVERYTHING.
So no Nigerian scam today. With some luck I'll have it up tomorrow. Until then, enjoy another beefcake pic:
Ok, here are pics of me 2 weeks into this little back injury. I'm feelin a ton better in this picture than I did a week earlier.

I know you are mesmerized by my Buns of Steel and nice choice of undergarments, but notice something in this picture: I'm attempting to stand straight. I've gotten my list down to 2 inches from my belly button to my nose. It's been much worse. I didn't sit in a chair all day today. I only laid on my back or stood the whole day.
So, what are the odds I'm skiing by Thur? I'm hoping I might be up for it by Sat. Luckily I'm on Percocet which makes everything all right. And I mean EVERYTHING.
So no Nigerian scam today. With some luck I'll have it up tomorrow. Until then, enjoy another beefcake pic:

Friday, January 26, 2007
Oh Those Wacky Nigerians
Hello all. Life's been busy and I've been lazy so I haven't posted for awhile. But I promise the next few days I'll have some high comedy for you, brought to you by one-part poor EBay security, four-parts Nigerian greed.
The Background:
Even after getting burned twice trying to sell an extra XBox 360 I have, I decided to go back to the EBay well. One of the reasons is we own a lot of it at work, and I feel it's my duty as a shareholder to use their service when I can. I'm starting to think they have a real problem with security, but I'll leave that post to another night.
I have a PS2 with a ton of games. 28 equals a ton in this case. I've gotten samples from game companies for a few of them, but in general I've bought most of them over the years. I bought a dance pad and DDR Extreme 2 for the kids but they were too young to enjoy it at the time and therefore it quickly got packed up in a box. Anyway, all this crap is taking up space, so I decided to try to sell it on EBay.
From my recent experience, you need to post in your ad that you won't sell outside of the US, and won't accept bids from users with feedback less than 5. That's because EBay's new user screening sucks. HARD. In my XBox 360 debacle, the first fraudulent bidder signed up as a US user but wanted me to ship to the UK, while paying from a different address. This account was brand new. A friend of mine took 3 tries to sell his Wii bundle and ran into similar problems.
I therefore posted I will cancel all bids that are from someone with less than 5 feedback unless they email me and get permission first. I also said US buyers only. In a moment of weakness, I decided to use the Buy It Now option in case I found someone really motivated to buy a PS2. That was not so smart.
Within THIRTY SECONDS of posting the auction, my Buy It Now was hit. And who by, you may ask? A brand new user with a generic name much like John Doe. Unlike in a regular auction where you can shitcan any bidder you don't like, if Buy It Now is hit the auction ends. That means I'm stuck with this turd of a buyer, who I already know with 95% certainty is going to me a scammer.
My confidence level rises to 100% when I get the email from this individual. I'll share that with you tomorrow, but the scam he seems to be trying to run is so lame that I have a hard time believing anyone falls for it. Then again, I have a hard time believing anyone watched Katie Coruic voluntarily in the morning either, and now she's on prime time news. I shouldn't be amazed by our populace's race to the bottom, I guess.
Anywho...I'm now in the process of trying to get some sort of trophy from this Nigerian scammer. I was hoping he'd pull the Fake Cashiers Check scam, so I could frame that badboy and put it up on the wall. Unfortunately, $175 doesn't qualify for Cashiers Check treatment so that dream will have to wait until I EBay another day. Instead, my goal is to get as many of the following as possible:
1)a picture of this guy
2)him to prepay shipping so I can send him some bricks and bags of Jobu-shit on his tab
3)the Holy Grail: him to send me cash to cover shipping
I've been saving my conversations with him so far, so I'll start posting them over the next week. I have no idea how far this will go, but for now he's buying my act. He believes I'm a dumb college kid, and that I believe him because he is on a religious missionary assignment - in the UK. I also believe his story that his son is attending computer college at the world-famous Nigerian University. (Come to think of it, didn't Larry Ellison graduate from there?)
So stay tuned. Hopefully I'll soon have some pics and better stories from this adventure.
The Background:
Even after getting burned twice trying to sell an extra XBox 360 I have, I decided to go back to the EBay well. One of the reasons is we own a lot of it at work, and I feel it's my duty as a shareholder to use their service when I can. I'm starting to think they have a real problem with security, but I'll leave that post to another night.
I have a PS2 with a ton of games. 28 equals a ton in this case. I've gotten samples from game companies for a few of them, but in general I've bought most of them over the years. I bought a dance pad and DDR Extreme 2 for the kids but they were too young to enjoy it at the time and therefore it quickly got packed up in a box. Anyway, all this crap is taking up space, so I decided to try to sell it on EBay.
From my recent experience, you need to post in your ad that you won't sell outside of the US, and won't accept bids from users with feedback less than 5. That's because EBay's new user screening sucks. HARD. In my XBox 360 debacle, the first fraudulent bidder signed up as a US user but wanted me to ship to the UK, while paying from a different address. This account was brand new. A friend of mine took 3 tries to sell his Wii bundle and ran into similar problems.
I therefore posted I will cancel all bids that are from someone with less than 5 feedback unless they email me and get permission first. I also said US buyers only. In a moment of weakness, I decided to use the Buy It Now option in case I found someone really motivated to buy a PS2. That was not so smart.
Within THIRTY SECONDS of posting the auction, my Buy It Now was hit. And who by, you may ask? A brand new user with a generic name much like John Doe. Unlike in a regular auction where you can shitcan any bidder you don't like, if Buy It Now is hit the auction ends. That means I'm stuck with this turd of a buyer, who I already know with 95% certainty is going to me a scammer.
My confidence level rises to 100% when I get the email from this individual. I'll share that with you tomorrow, but the scam he seems to be trying to run is so lame that I have a hard time believing anyone falls for it. Then again, I have a hard time believing anyone watched Katie Coruic voluntarily in the morning either, and now she's on prime time news. I shouldn't be amazed by our populace's race to the bottom, I guess.
Anywho...I'm now in the process of trying to get some sort of trophy from this Nigerian scammer. I was hoping he'd pull the Fake Cashiers Check scam, so I could frame that badboy and put it up on the wall. Unfortunately, $175 doesn't qualify for Cashiers Check treatment so that dream will have to wait until I EBay another day. Instead, my goal is to get as many of the following as possible:
1)a picture of this guy
2)him to prepay shipping so I can send him some bricks and bags of Jobu-shit on his tab
3)the Holy Grail: him to send me cash to cover shipping
I've been saving my conversations with him so far, so I'll start posting them over the next week. I have no idea how far this will go, but for now he's buying my act. He believes I'm a dumb college kid, and that I believe him because he is on a religious missionary assignment - in the UK. I also believe his story that his son is attending computer college at the world-famous Nigerian University. (Come to think of it, didn't Larry Ellison graduate from there?)
So stay tuned. Hopefully I'll soon have some pics and better stories from this adventure.
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