Saturday, July 01, 2006

End of first break

I have 3900 chips at the first break so doing pretty well.  I had AA one hand and got a loose aggressive player to give me a good chunk of his stack on a bluff.  I pulled a stop and go when he reraised me on the flop..  I also had JJ  one hand hold up on a scary board.
35 mins in, Chris 'Jesus' Ferguson sits down 3 to my left.  There's another pro I don't know 2 to my left.  And then 45 mins in, a guy busts out directly to my right.  Who fills the spot?  John Phan.  And he's got to be close to the chip leader.  So I've tightened up some though I lost about 1000 when my 99 lost to his 10 4 good buddy on a ten high flop.
Soon i'll need to take chances but not quite yet.

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