I had a package coming by UPS. When I checked the tracking site, it said it had been put on the truck at 6:23am. I didn't want to miss it (for a variety of reasons) so I even skipped out of work for two hours while my wife worked out so some one would be here to sign for it.
1pm came...2pm came..3pm came and my wife told me I couldn't call home anymore. She'd call me when it finally showed up. Jeesh, you call someone every 30 mins for a few hours, and you find out their true colors. Finally, at 6:25pm it showed up.

It's the Cheddah's gift to himself, and a way to make sure I don't piss away all the poker winnings of the past year. I can now 4 table in style (when I'm on a meth binge). It should make 2-tabling much more enjoyable all the time.
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